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The Exchange Spring 2023


The Exchange Spring 2023 - Page 1

THIS MONTH THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 10 Customer Spotlight 6 Next-Gen How AppExchange helps Marketplace. Chris Stegall grow his business. How It’s Going. An update on the latest evolution of AppExchange. 8 Time Flies When 11 Ring in Spring You’re Having Fun Renewal celebrations around the world. Look back at five years of “The Exchange.” 2

The Exchange Spring 2023 - Page 2

LETTER FROM THIS MONTH THE EXCHANGE THE EDITOR SPRING 2023 Finding the right partner expert just got easier. Introducing a whole new way to find the right certified consultant and expertise for your business needs Happy 5-year Our new discovery tool features step-by-step prompts that help you define your needs based on your challenges and goals. Search for experts based on customer anniversary to ratings, industry, business size, and use case. Then, visit the AppExchange listing for “The Exchange.” a more detailed view featuring credentials, contact information, and testimonials. Learn more I have worked on “The Exchange” for over three years now, and the last two years have been spent as Editor-in-Chief. We are a small but mighty team of storytellers, writing and designing content that we hope will inspire our readers to integrate even further into the AppExchange ecosystem. Like you, “The Exchange” has endured This issue covers major AppExchange a period of great change. We have milestones, including an interview with successfully adapted and evolved one of the founding members of through a global pandemic, and social, “The Exchange,” a customer testimonial political, and economic crises where about how AppExchange has helped seemingly every day brings a massive one customer’s trajectory, and shift. It is challenging to publish a reflection on how Salesforce Labs a quarterly publication when there are Apps have transformed. We also take so many day-to-day changes, and I am a look back at TDX and hear from so proud of our team’s ability to do Salesforce Ben. this while remaining sensitive to what Thank you for making these five years is going on in our world. None of this possible. We look forward to the next would be possible without you, our five, continuing to bring educational, devoted customers, providing feedback actionable, and interactive content on what content is most relevant and to you. helpful to you. Cheers, Amanda O’Reilly 3

NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE opentext SPRING 2023 The cost of poor document management: Inaccessible documents impact Poor information flows decrease customer service quality. productivity and collaboration. Documents in disconnected silos result in Inefficiencies with internal and manual searches, delays, and costly errors, external document processes can By investing in document extending resolution time that negatively cause inconsistencies between impacts customers. Salesforce data and documents, management, companies can put causing dissatisfied employees information and customers at the and poor customer relationships. center of their sales and service operations. This can ultimately Out-of-control information is risky. Fragmented information result in positive and memorable If customer documents are mismanaged prolongs sales cycle time. customer experiences. Additionally, and not controlled, it creates compliance, Failure to find and relay the right security, and financial consequences, documents and related information investing in connected document potentially damaging to customers and quickly can result in poor business management powers your ability your brand. decisions and undesired outcomes to gain key insights and spot new with customers. opportunities, providing visibility to the right information when and where it’s needed. Document Work smarter. The benefits of investing in document management solutions, including management in Salesforce: the ones in the OpenText solutions Make information for Salesforce portfolio, can help your superpower. your business grow. Shorten resolution Manage all customer OpenText provides customers with times to close cases and business documents inside an information advantage over the and deals faster. Salesforce. competition, enabling information Ov important to satisfy customer needs, er the last fe w y ears, the bu siness w orld Real-time access to all customer-related This enables an enhanced customer h but also to delight customers with great to be their superpower to work as ch ang ed c omple t ely — especially documents directly within the Sales Cloud view, making action tasks smarter and in the v experiences that keep them coming back. elocity a t which in form a tion is and Service Cloud streamlines the faster, which leads to better productivity smarter. u sed. As w e se ttle in t o this ne w norm al, Our partner OpenText, a leader in whole process. and experiences. higher c u st omer e xpecta tions need information management, helps t o be sa tisfied t o help n urtur e these companies securely capture, govern, View business data Collaborate on mission-critical r ela tionships, and in t ern al in form a tion and exchange information on a global w alongside documents. documents. ork flo ws need t o be op timiz ed t o align scale. Here, the company demonstrates Learn more with these ne w c u st omer dem ands. what happens when a company has poor Securely share to key stakeholders Keep information concerning business Ho document management and highlights internally and externally to your company. specific processes in one system. w mission-critical doc umen ts ar e cap the benefits of investing in document tur ed, m an ag ed, and deliv er ed within sales and servic management. about OpenText e pr oc esses is no t only on AppExchange.

NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE FormAssembly SPRING 2023 THREE WAYS Data leaders know that it can take years to Data Stewardship earn your customers’ trust but only a moment “Digital PROTECTS YOUR ORGANIZATION to lose it. In fact, in its recent report, Data Collection & Security,” FormAssembly found that nearly two-thirds of the CIOs, CISOs, and data security leaders surveyed are concerned about data privacy, security, and compliance in the data collection process. Their concern is justified. Suffering a data breach or being in regulatory noncompliance not only puts your organization at risk, it could negatively impact your customer relationships for years to come. The answer to these concerns starts with being a good steward of the data you collect. Data stewardship encompasses best Promotes Ethical Maintains practices concerning the collection, use, and Data Collection Improves Data Security Regulatory Compliance confidentiality of personal information. Good Being a good data steward requires a proactive data stewardship requires a comprehensive Data stewardship starts at the point of collection. Effective data stewardship calls for compliance Your customers should have a clear understanding approach to data security. From privacy policies with all relevant data security and privacy laws approach to fairness, transparency, and of what data you’re collecting, how you intend to and procedures to security audits and team and regulations. These laws and regulations relevancy in data collection practices, in use it, and how long you’ll keep it before they give training, security is woven into every core tenet are constantly evolving and updating, so your addition to adherence to robust legal and you their information. You should also limit the of data stewardship. Prioritizing data security can organization must stay informed. Like security, security requirements. It should guide your data you collect strictly to that which is relevant include minimizing data access to only individuals compliance also starts at the point of collection, data policies and procedures to help reduce to the service you provide. By implementing who need it to do their jobs, collecting only so you must be sure that all forms meet your these policies, you’ll be able to help prevent the necessary data and getting rid of it when it is no compliance requirements. security risks while adhering to data privacy misuse of data, the violation of privacy laws, and longer needed, and partnering with vendors who regulations. the wasting of time, money, and storage space maintain robust security practices. Our partner FormAssembly, an enterprise collecting the wrong type of data. form platform that helps organizations streamline their data collection processes, teaches us how investing in data stewardship can help protect your company. P rioritizing da ta st ew ar dship a t e v ery st ep o f the da ta journe y helps pr o t ect y our bu siness and y our c u st omers. Learn more about FormAssembly on AppExchange.

APPEXCHANGE THE EXCHANGE UPDATE SPRING 2023 Next-Gen Marketplace. How It’s Going. %Listing Recently we launched the new evolution of +20 Page Views AppExchange to make it easier than ever for you AppExchange to find the right apps and experts. We are excited % to share the impact of our newly optimized search -13 Search experience. AppExchange Bounce Rate %Search Next-Gen Search +91 Impressions Easily find the right partner apps and experts for your business. Listing Intuitive and Simplified Experience % Recommendations based on your Trailblazer ID, AppExchange activity, and org demographics. -20 Bounce Rate Tailored Searches Powered by Intelligence Modern design and reimagined user experience makes %AppExchange it easy to explore and find exactly what you need. +65 Transparency for Better Decision-Making Search Clicks Enhanced listing summaries with key indicators, including chat, drives a faster selection process. Next-Gen Listings %SEO Quickly learn about apps at a glance. -15 Bounce Rate Easy to Digest Organic Revamped listing summaries make it easy to quickly get a feel for an app and if it fits the business need. %Search Click- Relevant Indicator +20 Category tags help to provide more context to a listing Through Rate and help to refine a search. Engage in Live Chat Quickly engage in live chat with a partner for certain listings by clicking the “Chat” indicator on the listing view. 6

THEN & NOW THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 How was “The Exchange” conceived? ANDREW GOTHELF “The Exchange” was conceived by Amanda Nelson, Senior Director, Digital Strategy. (GOTTI): Amanda and I were talking about all the content we’d created, and how valuable and helpful it was for the community. We wanted to find a better way to leverage all the work we’d put into producing the content and package it in a different way. So we started floating around this idea of a magazine, a digital magazine. We met with a designer, Devin Fenimore, who was on the AppExchange team at the time, and it turned out that she had previously been a magazine designer in New York. We all got really excited about the idea of using largely repurposed content involving our partners, providing sponsorship opportunities, but creating something really cool, The Evolution of well-designed, and different from a lot of stuff Salesforce was putting out there. “The Exchange” The first issue came out within a couple of months and we’ve kept going ever since. What was your role on “The Exchange”? GOTTI: For all intents and purposes, I was the Editor-In-Chief of the magazine from a content perspective in terms of overseeing the project. At the time, we had a lot An Interview with Founding Member Andrew Gothelf of support across the whole team, but I was writing the big feature story that featured partners. I tried to harken back to my journalism days in college and was thinking about how I could write some sort of big thought-provoking thought leadership piece Reading through “The Exchange” To take us back to the beginning of “The that incorporated our partners. I also was involved in all of the promotion — making sure everything fit the brand, over the years is like opening up an Exchange” there’s nobody better than and working very closely with the editors and the rest of the team to make sure that AppExchange time capsule. In the five Andrew Gothelf, Director, AppExchange we had the content that we wanted and that it all fit within the vision that Amanda years since the very first publication, Marketing Program. Andrew, also known and I had. the magazine has undergone a number as Gotti within Salesforce, has been on of changes. From design refreshes and the AppExchange team for almost eight What was the vision of the magazine then, and has it met that goal? new editors to product launches and the years and was a founding member of the GOTTI: Let’s start with what we didn’t envision. We didn’t envision this would be running addition of new Salesforce characters, first issue. In looking back in time at how for five-plus years. I mean, I think that’s really incredible and something that I’m personally very proud of. I do think that it has largely stayed true to what we were our little magazine has been the this magazine has grown, it made sense hoping it would do, which is to create something that looks great, that’s helpful for embodiment of all the changes to hear from someone whose seen the our community, features the AppExchange, allows partners to purchase sponsorships, and leverages a lot of the amazing work that our content is doing. AppExchange itself has gone through. magazine’s trajectory from what it was to Over time, we’ve changed the structure and we’ve had teammates come and go, but It’s grown and evolved right along with what it is now. at its core, creating a really beautiful digital asset that speaks to the AppExchange us. While the future is exciting to think community is what we wanted to do. And I think that is what it still does here in Spring 2023. about, it’s also important to reflect on where we started. Andrew Gothelf Co-marketing Program Director 7

THEN & NOW THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 How has “The Exchange” changed in the last five years? GOTTI: I think the biggest way “The Exchange” changed in the last five years is from a design standpoint. We use a different technology platform to upload the content which provided a whole lot more interactivity. The way that the team — Amanda O’Reilly, our Editor-In-Chief, John Caterino, our Art Director, and Robin Worona, our Senior Copywriter — has pushed the form has been incredible. At first, “The Exchange” definitely was like a magazine that was transported into digital format with the exception of a few interactive elements, but now when you go to “The Exchange,” you really see something that is made for the digital experience. I think it’s Time Flies really amazing to engage with some of these stories and to see how fun it is to interact with a lot of the content that’s informative, but also super engaging and provides Time Flies a way to interact with the AppExchange and partners that you can’t find anywhere else in the marketing that we do. Time Flies Time Flies There is a lot of change going on within the Salesforce partner ecosystem. What are your thoughts on how customers can take When you’re having fun with “The Exchange.” advantage of what’s to come? GOTTI: I think for customers thinking about the Salesforce ecosystem, my advice would be to Twelve years after the birth of AppExchange, the keep engaging and to keep checking out what’s new, whether that’s on AppExchange idea of a partner-focused digital magazine was or off. There’s a ton of innovation happening across our partners and these partners are constantly creating new technology, thinking about their practices and how they hatched. Now, here we are celebrating five years of support new Salesforce products that would be beneficial to any Salesforce admin. For any business leader looking to stay apprised of what’s new, I’d recommend asking Salesforce’s only digital magazine, “The Exchange.” the questions: “What do we need?”, “Can we find something on AppExchange?”, “Can we find a consulting partner that’s already done this, that can help us do this faster, We thought it would be fun to look back at the more efficiently, and more cost-effectively?” some of the milestones that formed “The Exchange” into the unique publication it is today. Enjoy. Any advice or tips for a Salesforce customer reading “The Exchange”? GOTTI: Instead of advice, I would ask those that are reading “The Exchange” to let us know what kind of content is helpful. What do you enjoy engaging with? I think the beauty of this magazine is that it has evolved and continues to evolve and is able to be flexible in what it leverages, and what it features. So please provide us the feedback. Let us know what it is that would be helpful as you think about new technologies and 2007 new partners that you’re engaging with, and how you would like to understand what is going on. We want to provide information that is most helpful to the community. Salesforce Labs launches its 100th app. 2006 AppExchange is born. 8

THEN & NOW THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 Alert! 5 Million Installs! Alert! 2015 Our very first Demo Jam 1 Million Installs! rocked the house 2017 2020 2011 Appy is born & AppExchange 2023 hits 5 million installs. The cover of our fall AppExchange hits “Exchange” issue features Appy turns 6 and 1 million installs. 3D Appy. “The Exchange” publishes its five-year anniversary issue. Alert! 2012 10 Million Installs! Customers write 25,000 reviews. 2022 AppExchange hits 2008 2018 10 million installs. Marc Benioff gifts the 2016 “The Exchange” publishes its App Store trademark AppExchange turns 10. first issue in the spring. and domain to his mentor, Steve Jobs. 9

CUSTOMER SUCCESS THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 How has AppExchange helped you grow your business as a customer? CHRIS STEGALL: As admins (and users) of Salesforce, AppExchange has helped our business grow by leaps and bounds by providing polished solutions to simple and complex use cases that save hours of custom development or org configuration and, though it’s impossible, often feel they were custom-tailored specifically for our instance. As partners, the AppExchange has helped our business grow by passing those same time savings along to clients, so they can get a solution stood up quickly, without paying for duplicate customization or development — earning us a reputation for coming in on time and under budget. As a Salesforce customer, the AppExchange has helped our business grow by allowing us to “externalize” our solutions, turn them into apps, and transform our individual Salesforce solutions into a revenue-generating portion of the business. We always encourage our clients to take the same approach — turn your solutions into AppExchange listed apps and you can start generating revenue from your internal Salesforce efforts. And of course, we’re happy to help. Customer Spotlight What are your favorite features of AppExchange? CS: My favorite feature of AppExchange is the reviews. I love being able to see what other Trailblazers think about an app and hearing their experiences with it. The ability to see which reviews are “Salesforce verified” also really helps reduce the “review spam” or How AppExchange has helped Chris Stegall save time manipulation we’ve come to expect from other marketplaces. and grow his business. What are some tips you have for other customers on how to navigate and leverage AppExchange? CS: The first question I ask when someone tells me they have a complex Salesforce At AppExchange we strive to always put the customer first. To check in on problem to solve is, “Have you checked AppExchange?” It should always be your first how we’re doing, we had a chat with Chris Stegall, Marketing Director, stop on the search for your solution. Mambo Merge and MK Partners. Since Mambo Merge is an ISV, and MK I highly recommend using the filters to narrow down your search by type, category, and your Salesforce org edition, cloud, etc. … and then, of course, read the reviews. Partners is an SI (helping clients implement Salesforce) and a PDO Often, even if you don’t find an exact fit, the reviews will introduce you to Trailblazers (helping clients get their apps built and added to the AppExchange), he approaching a similar situation and you can springboard off of their experiences to streamline your search for a solution. knows all sides of our ecosystem. Here’s what he had to say. Why do you like reading “The Exchange”? CS: I’m glad this question wasn’t “What’s your favorite part of ‘The Exchange’?” because I’m not sure I’d be able to narrow it down. I love that “The Exchange” offers me an interesting and engaging avenue to continue my professional development within the Salesforce ecosystem and stay dialed in to the latest and greatest developments for the platform (and within it). The quarterly editions are frequent enough that I never feel bogged down playing “catch-up” or like I’m “late to the news,” but spaced out Chris Stegall enough that I don’t get the info fatigue brought on by a lot of corporate newsletter Marketing Director, offerings. And I love the varied topics and coverage in each issue: Trailblazer Mambo Merge & MK Partners interviews, sneak peeks, timely topics, event recaps, and more. It’s like the best parts of the Salesforce ecosystem distilled, concentrated, and delivered right to the AppExchange. 10

AROUND THE WORLD THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 India March 8 Holi, the Festival of Colors, is an ancient Indian Ring tradition best known for the colorful powder called gula that fesitval goers throw at each other. During this outdoor celebration, people also light bonfires in and eat their fill of yummy sweets. Spring Iran Spring is celebrated as a time of rebirth and renewal around March 21 the world. Across cultures, people mark longer days and warmer While this festival is rooted in Iranian tradition, temperatures with bright colors and symbols from the natural world, like eggs and flowers. In fact, the commonalities of spring it has spread across Central Asian communites celebrations outweigh the differences, reminding us we’re all just around the world. Nowruz means “new day” in humans celebrating a change of seasons. While many of the Persian and kicks off a full month of bonfires, festivities are centered around the spring equinox — March 20 this music, dancing, and lots of food. year — there’s still plenty of time to mark the season in your own way. Here are some of our favorite celebrations to inspire you. 11

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AROUND THE WORLD THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 Bosnia Corfu, Greece March 21 April 15 Cimburijada means “Festival of Scrambled Eggs,” On Easter Saturday, the Greek island of Corfu and that’s exactly what it is. The people of the celebrates with a smash. Corfiots drop botides — Bosnian town of Zenica gather at dawn on clay pots full of water — from their windows and the banks of the Bosna River for an enormous balconies. The accompanying fireworks, bell tolling, communal meal of scrambled eggs. and chanting result in a cacophony guaranteed to scare off any bad spirits. The town’s famous marching bands complete the fun by playing the Graikoi march. Thailand Holland April 13 – 15 April 22 The Songkran festival in Thailand marks the Millions of tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, and other beginning of the Thai New Year. April is the hottest flowers are used to make beautiful floats that month in Thailand so it makes sense that this party parade through several villages from Noordwijk to would include a way to cool off — a water fight. From Haarlem. At the final stop, onlookers have the water balloons to buckets, friends and family take to chance to check out the floats up close. the streets and soak each other. Of course, it’s not just fun and games — the water symbolizes washing away the old year and the anticipation of the coming rainy season. 12

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AROUND THE WORLD THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 Streamline Incident Management with Flow Automation Pack Gloucester, U.K. Spring cleaning for May 29 your Labs workflows. Rolling cheese down a hill might not sound like much to get excited about, but this 200-year- old tradition gets intense. A wheel of cheese is thrown down a very steep hill and a second later Since Spring is all about new beginnings and fresh While your product may be the most innovative on the competitors throw themselves down after it. starts, it’s a great time to start rethinking your current market, it’s bound to experience a few technical issues The first one to cross the finish line wins. Bruises, work streams and processes, and many of these can be somewhere down the line. Is your organization simplified with automation. Salesforce Labs is thrilled to prepared to handle these requests? Here are three free bloodied knees, and broken bones are all a part introduce you to three flow packs that can help you flows by Salesforce Labs that you can use to streamline of the “fun.” refresh your incident management processes. incident management. Flow Automation Flow Automation Flow Automation Pack for Incident Management Pack for Incident Management Pack for Incident Management When service is down, it’s critical to with Slack with Messaging respond swiftly and smoothly. Put simply, Internal collaboration is crucial to Lastly, you’ll definitely want to keep your Flow Automation Pack for Incident incident resolution. Slack makes teams customer in the loop for any updates on Management provides an end-to-end more productive, and enables teams to their case. This last package allows you solution that automates various tasks. work better together. When paired with to accomplish that through digital Bulgaria This first solution can help your service Salesforce Incident Management, you’re messaging. The Automation Pack for End of Winter through Spring team with incident detection, incident given a powerful tool for incident Incident Management with Messaging qualification, and communication to resolution and internal collaboration. enables your team to automatically share Toward the end of winter, Bulgarians exchange impacted customers. With flow and flow This AppExchange solution empowers incident updates with your customers orchestration, your service team can service agents and incident managers to through SMS, and provide red-and-white bracelets called martenitsa and wear automatically close cases, attach collaborate in real time over dedicated communications about incident them in anticipation of spring. When someone resolved incidents, remove site banners, Slack channels, and allows agents to resolution. While follow-ups are greatly sees a sign of spring, such as a first bloom, stork, and send communications about the quickly send Slack communication appreciated by customers, they’re also or swallow, they take off their martenitsa and tie it resolution to affected customers. directly from the incident page. beneficial to you and your service team. Learn more By proactively informing customers of to a nearby tree. Once spring is in full bloom, trees Learn more your awareness (and progress) of everywhere are decorated with martenitsa. ongoing incidents, you can deflect new cases and soften your team’s workload. Discover More Flows by Salesforce Labs Learn more Flow is the way of the future, and this automation pack is here to help you streamline an otherwise hefty process. With these flows, you can accelerate incident detection, save time with automation, and enhance your customer experience. There also plenty of other free flows you can use to automate different areas of your business, and many other free Labs apps you can utilize to solve complex challenges. Reviews are greatly appreciated, so if you have utilized any of the linked solutions above (or any other Labs app), be sure to leave a rating.

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LIVE EVENTS THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 We met. We learned. We laughed. We were just in person at our annual that are just getting to know Trailblazer Developer Conference AppExchange or entrepreneurs who (TDX) with partners and customers are exploring what it takes to launch in the AppExchange landing. The their own app. Salesforce events are AppExchange campfire theater was jam-packed with amazing sessions, packed with 14 sessions over the activities, and keynotes, so we’re course of the two days, including thrilled we were able to connect two Demo Jams where partners with so many of our partners and battled it out for the best three- customers in our space. minute product demo. Capstorm If you want to relive the magic of and took home the AppExchange at TDX, you can check coveted Demo Jam trophies. out and the We had some fun with a trivia game on-demand content on Salesforce+. for partners and customers geared toward newer Salesforce customers 14

WHAT’S NEW THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 But it is only recently that the true power of conversational AI models has started to surface. In an open letter, Bill Gates went so far as to say that he has only seen two demonstrations of technology that struck him as revolutionary, one being a graphical user interface in 1980 and the second being GPT. A couple of weeks before Gates’ open letter, Salesforce officially announced that Einstein GPT, an extension of its AI product, would be using OpenAI’s GPT model, in addition to its own private AI models, to create the first generative bot for CRM. Einstein GPT can already auto-generate personalized agent chat replies, surface external news for prospect research, and even write Apex code! Even before Einstein GPT was released, AppExchange apps started to surface with GPT integration. AppExchange and GPT PipeLaunch gives you the ability to automatically generate sales email content using both Salesforce and LinkedIn data, while Halosight allows you to extract insights from conversations happening across your Salesforce org. Salesforce Ben weighs in. In every role I’ve held in the Salesforce ecosystem, The fundamental reason I believe the AppExchange OpenAI’s GPT models give developers access to one of from admin to business analyst to managing director, is so powerful is due to its agility and ability to innovate. the most powerful public AI models available, solving the AppExchange has played a big part. It’s essentially a hive of creativity that is the problems that customers didn’t even know existed until I have done everything from implementing accumulation of entrepreneurial professionals around a solution was presented to them. AppExchange apps to deploy to my end users as the world developing apps to help solve customer We are truly entering a new age with the release of a Salesforce admin to partnering with ISVs when problems. This is exactly what we are seeing in real time public, conversational AI models. With this much running a consultancy to ensuring we could meet with the wide adoption of OpenAI’s GPT models change occurring in the Salesforce ecosystem over the clients’ end-to-end requirements. I have also worked within apps. course of a few months, I can only imagine what we can directly for an ISV and have seen the direct impact It’s almost impossible to exist in the tech world and not expect a year from now. a single app can have across hundreds of users in have heard of ChatGPT over the past few months. We’ve a Salesforce org. seen this conversational AI bot write blog posts, marketing plans, and even poems.

AppExchange Our ecosystem of commerce partners, apps, and experts is expanding. AppExchange now has more apps and experts to help you get the most out of Commerce Cloud. Find out how they can help you create even more powerful and personalized commerce experiences. Learn more