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The Exchange Spring 2022


THIS MONTH THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2022 08/09 Welcome to 28/29 Meet TELSI #TeamEarth Celebrating our 10 millionth installer Join our community and make a difference 12/13 Our Favorite 30/35 AppExchange Trailblazers Gives Back Benafsha Irani See how our employees spend their VTO 16/25 Phenomenal 37 Appy Birthday Phenomenal Women Join the fun and games Women Salesforce MVPs who inspire us 3

LETTER FROM THIS MONTH THE EXCHANGE THE EDITOR SPRING 2022 Introducing the New AppExchange Appy Homepage Spring Before diving in, quick question: have you been on a Zoom call lately and not known what day it is? If so, you are not alone! It feels like time is flying by and pretty soon spring will turn into summer. In March, we celebrated International This spring, Salesforce turned 23; I Women’s Day and interviewed some turned 5; and we celebrated 10 million extraordinary members of our installs on AppExchange! This is such a AppExchange community, meaningful milestone that we could not Salesforce MVPs. These six women lead the way have accomplished without all of our when it comes to overcoming adversity, customers, partners, and the entire leveraging technology, and advocating Salesforce community. Thank you for for change, and we loved hearing how trusting AppExchange to achieve AppExchange has helped influence their business impact, scale with confidence, careers. and empower you and your teams. Over the last 18 years, giving back has Appy reading, Fresh design. Smart recommendations. Dynamic exploration. become a vital part of the Salesforce culture. Our goal is to leverage our technology, people, and resources to We’re thrilled to introduce the new homepage experience, combining improve communities throughout the intelligence and intuitive design to help you find the right apps and world. In this issue of The Exchange, we Appygail the Bobcat highlight some AppExchange experts, faster than ever before. employees whose inspiring volunteer work contributes to our integrated • Discover relevant apps faster with personalized recommendations philanthropic approach, the 1-1-1 • Qualify apps faster model. • Find inspiration with customer stories After you have a chance to explore the new AppExchange homepage, we’d love to hear what you think. Please share your feedback with us by filling out this feedback form.

NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE FORMASSEMBLY SPRING 2022 Remove irrelevant data 1. Irrelevant data not only skews results but creates more work for your team by forcing them to sift through unneeded information. First, consider your goals when collecting certain types of data from customers. Then remove data that is not necessary for meeting these goals. This will help improve efficiency and minimize distractions when you go to analyze your data. Remove duplicate data 2. Duplicate data occurs because of poor data entry processes, data merge from multiple sources, or general human error, which hinders accurate analysis and requires extra storage. To clean duplicate or incomplete data, first, compare and match data, then remove duplicates to create a single consolidated record. Address missing data 3. Missing data, while unavoidable, is the result of a person intentionally or unintentionally leaving a field blank while filling out a form. To handle this omitted data, one option is to remove empty fields completely. Another option is to manually input data into the field with a probable value. If missing data occurs in a pattern, flag the field and assess if it is necessary. Correct structural errors 4. Structural errors can include typos, misspellings, improper capitalization, or the same attributes with different names. To avoid these errors and resulting inconsistent data, assess current data collection processes to eliminate duplicate data and fix mislabeled categories. The best way to prevent errors is by standardizing data types. Standardize data types 5. Standardizing data types is one of the best ways to ensure clean, consistent data during the collection process. When standardizing, be sure all values have a uniform format (such as upper or lower case), and that units of measure, dates and times, locations, and calculations are consistent. Clean data from web forms to Salesforce For any modern, data-driven organization, clean data is crucial for operational efficiency, FormAssembly’s data collection platform and seamless Salesforce Connector with Dynamic strategic decision-making, and long-term business growth. This season provides a perfect Picklists lets users create or update any Salesforce object with a web form to minimize duplicates, opportunity to “spring clean” dirty data and ensure the information collected into your inaccuracies, and unnecessary fields when collecting data. Salesforce org is correct, high quality, and usable. To unlock the potential of the data your organization collects, complete these five data-cleansing techniques. Learn more about FormAssembly on AppExchange. 7

WHAT’S NEW THE EXTHE EXCHANGE CHANGE #TeamEarth SPRING 2022SPRING 2022 Explore “The New Frontier” The campaign features a website with opportunities to participate in the #TeamEarth Take Action community, including creating a climate action , learning about unconscious bias, and building #TeamEarth aims to inspire everyone Welcome to plan ethical, accessible, and inclusive products. to take action. Here’s how: In addition to serving as Salesforce’s newest brand • Use #TeamEarth on social media partner and advisor and co-creating the campaign, #TeamEarth McConaughey is featured in the spot. This partnership • Join the #TeamEarth community is based on a shared passion for taking positive action within our communities and the belief that businesses • Seek diversity and teach inclusivity have a responsibility to drive change — not just profit. • Adopt the 1-1-1 philanthropic model The Salesforce Model • Draft an actionable climate plan #TeamEarth is built on the belief that success should • Build ethical and inclusive products be for all stakeholders – every person and the Earth itself. Salesforce believes in this commitment and • Help plant trees has introduced key initiatives that reflect its core values and has helped champion a new model for • Support the ecopreneur movement stakeholders, including: • The 1-1-1 model, which dedicates 1% of the company’s equity, 1% of its product, and 1% of employees’ time back to the community • $495 million in grants to charitable organizations • $200 million commitment to advance racial equality and justice In February, Salesforce, alongside new brand partner and advisor • 6.5 million volunteer hours globally Matthew McConaughey, unveiled #TeamEarth, a global campaign that • Free or discounted technology to more than aims to inspire businesses and individuals to help build a more fair, 54,000 nonprofits, education institutions, and equal, and sustainable future. philanthropic organizations • Spending nearly $16 million to ensure equal pay Since its founding, Salesforce has been laying the groundwork to advance since 2015 business as a platform for change. Now, propelled by the climate crisis, • Co-founding, the global movement to the trust crisis, and the crisis of inequality, the goal for #TeamEarth is to serve conserve, restore, and grow 1 trillion trees by 2030 as a call to action for every business and individual to join a community • $100 million commitment to accelerate united by shared values and a desire to help make a difference. ecosystem restoration and climate justice • Taking steps to become a net zero company across the company’s full value chain • Advocating for public policies and supporting initiatives to assist our unhoused and underhoused community members 9

The Exchange Spring 2022 - Page 5

NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE ada SPRING 2022 3 Ways to Create a Transformational, Automation-First Employee IT Support Talent Retention Remote employees become frustrated Employees expect a consumer-quality Disjointed Processes The when help from IT teams isn’t HR experience across their employment Processes related to the employee Experience Challenge immediate. IT teams spend too much lifecycle. HR teams spend valuable experience are unconnected, and time on manual support tasks instead time on manual support and routine techstack software is not integrated as of priority initiatives. questions instead of the talent priorities well as it should be. that enrich the business. More and more, brands are adopting a personalized experiences that enable remote-first approach with measurable them to do their best work at any time, from anywhere. Yet benefits, including increased employee only 67% of productivity and the ability to recruit surveyed global workers say that their High Cost, Low Productivity Inefficiencies Confused Employees top-tier candidates globally. The way company does a good job of providing The IT leaders struggle to allocate Leaders fail to efficiently capture, Employees have difficulty finding companies think about workplace an environment where they can be Consequence resources to valuable IT initiatives measure, and respond to the topics that what they need, and are working with design and operations has evolved, and productive. Our partner Ada outlines and critical business systems. matter most to employees. inefficient systems. with it, so too have employee three different scenarios where expectations for the employee businesses can leverage a solution experience (EX). In today’s world, like Ada to create an exceptional EX to employees expect thoughtful, well- keep employees happy, engaged, and designed, and consumer-like productive. Chat Automation Internal Automation Integrated Tools The Employees can self-serve, which Leaders are able to automate up to 60% Slack, ServiceNow, Jira, Confluence, decreases handle time for tickets from of interactions, helping employees do Zendesk, Workday, Workato, and others Solution days to minutes or less. their best work more efficiently. can help create seamless, multi-channel experiences for employees. Increased Productivity Improved Employee Experiences The Up to 50% of IT support headcount can Talent leaders can spend more time on Efficient Techstacks Learn more be re-assigned to higher value projects, priority HR initiatives and strategic topics, Brands can make better use of their Result while employees benefit from fast while employees benefit from better techstack and learn from the data of resolutions and increased productivity. experiences, increased productivity, and these connected systems. about Ada on AppExchange. Bonus: reduced cost per ticket. healthier job satisfaction. 11

IN THE SPOTLIGHT THE EXCHANGE Benafsha SPRING 2022 HOW DID WEST COAST CONSULTING GROUP GET INVOLVED WITH SALESFORCE? When we started in 2004, we were based in San Francisco, and we OUR FAVORITE TRAILBLAZERS: wanted to be part of something real that involved new technology. Marc Benioff had these “no software” stickers all over the city, and the entire team was curious to see how this software company could have Benafsha “no software.” We went to hear Marc speak and were immediately hooked. It was a broad-thinking strategy that wasn’t just about Irani software sales — he wanted to bring communities together and also incorporate nonprofit work into the industry. Not only that, but it was an agile platform that really works! There was so much we could do with just the click of a button. West Coast signed up to be a partner right then. WHAT WAS THE FIRST APP YOU EVER DEVELOPED? That’s an interesting story. We kept hearing “AppExchange is the thing!” so after some encouragement, we launched our very first AppExchange app, called CloudCollect. We also now have a medical device sales app called MedTech SalesTracker, and we’re launching a marketing dashboard app soon. It’s all been a very fun journey, and I feel like Salesforce has really helped us do some exciting things along the way. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE APP ON APPEXCHANGE? WHY DO YOU LOVE IT? My favorite app on AppExchange is from Salesforce Labs, and it’s a dashboard app. I feel like most people don’t even know it exists, but it’s an app that helps you get started on some of the most powerful features of Salesforce, which are dashboarding and reporting. It’s a great place to see the power of Salesforce, and it’s free! WHAT DOES BEING A TRAILBLAZER MEAN TO YOU? I think a Trailblazer is someone who is creative, doesn’t shy away from doing new things, and is always doing their best. It’s about giving your whole self and trying it all with a passion. For me, it’s less about the materialistic outcome, and more about the experience. Always be Benafsha Irani is a force to be reckoned with. As the founder of innovating and learning new things. That’s the fun part about being Founder of West Coast part of the Salesforce community. Consulting Group West Coast Consulting Group, Benafsha has traveled the world, launched innovative apps on AppExchange, and helped grow WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU OFFER TO THOSE WHO ARE JUST and scale her business — all with a smile on her face. STARTING OUT ON Understand the power of the platform! Many times people don’t even “I feel like without Salesforce, we might have been boring,” Benafsha THE PLATFORM? know what’s out there. Sometimes people have Sales Cloud and they said laughingly. “But this has been such a fun journey!” think that’s all Salesforce offers, but there’s Service Cloud, Slack, and so We talked with Benafsha about how she draws inspiration to keep much more. And it all really works together. People have to realize the learning and find joy along the path to success. power of the platform and make success happen. 13

NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE Coveo SPRING 2022 Orchestrate Data to Enhance Search Experiences An enterprise intelligent search solution like Coveo applies machine learning to capture and activate data from a variety of sources to enhance search experiences within different Salesforce interfaces. This creates a unified, intelligent search experience for people using Salesforce clouds, which leads to endless opportunities for better content discovery and a more connected workplace. At a high level, enterprises can use intelligent search to provide democratized access to a more complete and comprehensive picture of available knowledge, user behavior, and more. These capabilities can evoke new ideas that help people solve problems and take business to the next level. Empower Agents Beyond “Customer Last Viewed” and Knowledge Base Search In practice, intelligent search improves a variety of on-the-ground experiences, such as bringing more contextually relevant information to an agent’s screen. While deciding which content to display, AI automatically considers not just case data, but past interactions with other business units and what worked before for similar customer profiles. Intelligent search can also support the kind of collaboration needed for intelligent swarming. One example is the increasing number of companies opting to index chat messages from other support and sales agents. This allows agents to see other agents’ chats about a similar issue right in the search results. Build Harmonious B2B Ecommerce Experiences An enterprise intelligence search platform is particularly well suited to standardize data from a variety of sources. Within the context of ecommerce, enterprises can apply intelligent search to index large catalogs with tens of millions of SKUs and variants. Applying AI to extend that content into Salesforce channels via intelligent search experiences helps organize complex customer entitlements that flow into Enterprises that weave intelligent search throughout their Salesforce channels and orgs hundreds of thousands of buying groups. are able to better leverage existing data. Intelligent search powered by AI can help connect and harmonize disparate sources of information together at the enterprise scale, giving companies’ Salesforce deployment a competitive advantage and bottom-line lift. Learn more Our partner Coveo shares how intelligent search works and the experiences it enables. about Coveo on AppExchange. 15

FEELING INSPIRED THE EXCHANGE Phenomenal Women SPRING 2022 INTERVIEW WITH: Jocelyn Fennewald Chief Strategy Officer & Co-Founder, OpMentors, and Salesforce MVP Phenomenal Women How has AppExchange influenced/ Salesforce MVPs who inspire us on empowered you in your career? International Women’s Day and beyond. In 2010 I joined a company that had a COO that viewed Salesforce as not only a sales tool, but an operational tool. His vision was for our team to grow our instance of Salesforce to fully encompass the front and back office. This vision is what led us to AppExchange. There we found applications such as FinancialForce, Xactly, and many others. As we began utilizing In March we honored International Women’s Day, a these solutions, our team really saw the true power of the Salesforce Platform. chance to reflect on the significant gains women have A few short years later, my now business partner, Machell achieved in our global community. While full equality Enke, and I founded OpMentors. Our vision has always been to assist our clients with not only capturing the power of remains a daily struggle, more women than ever continue Salesforce, but ensuring that our clients can take advantage of associated applications such as FinancialForce. We use to overcome barriers and leverage AppExchange to AppExchange internally to find solutions to fit our business as well as ensure we are supporting our clients with the best-in- accelerate their careers. With this in mind, we reached out class applications to fit their needs. to six Salesforce MVPs of diverse backgrounds to learn I truly feel as though those first steps to discovering What is the most important message AppExchange in 2010 assisted my journey in starting my more about how being a female has impacted their career own company. Seeing how many solutions are built on the you want to send out to young women Salesforce Platform as well as the other amazing consulting journey and outlook on life. companies out there was part of the inspiration to begin our thinking about their careers? business 8 years ago. Some of the most important lessons learned throughout your When studying the inequality between men since the pandemic began, making it harder to career will come from places you do not anticipate or expect. and women, the last two years can be viewed secure the child care that many women need Opportunities will present themselves, and I encourage as a microcosm for what has long been true. to return to work. According to research by the How can we encourage more women young women to not let the fear of failure hold them back. According to an analysis by the National management consulting firm McKinsey and Co, I encourage young women to take that new opportunity, Women’s Law Center of the latest U.S. Bureau of in 2020, one in four women considered leaving to pursue entrepreneurship or senior network with a diverse set of people to ensure your thoughts Labor Statistics report, since February 2020: the workforce or downshifting their career, leadership roles in their career? and guides can challenge you, and read a diverse set of The economy is down nearly 1.6 million net versus one in five men. books. I view these types of items as investment in yourself. jobs. Of this, women account for being down The NWLC report also showed that When you invest in yourself and do not let fear overrun your over 1.1 million net jobs. unemployment rates among women of color I believe encouraging women to pursue entrepreneurship or thoughts, you will be able to succeed. were higher than those for white women. In senior leadership roles is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each There are 872,000 fewer women in the labor January 2022, 3.6% of all women were jobless. woman may have different barriers to entry or experiences force. However, nearly 5% of Latinas and nearly 6% that they carry with them. One of the top areas I try to focus There are 493,000 more men ages 20 and of Black women were unemployed. Women on is intentional mentoring. I believe it is not enough to over in the labor force. with disabilities were most affected, as nearly encourage women to pursue entrepreneurship or senior 8% of this group were jobless, the NWLC report leadership roles, but actually give guidance. Many areas that Ongoing caregiving demands play a role in showed. are overlooked when starting a business, such as bookkeeping keeping women out of the workforce. The child systems, having a tax person to assist, and how to market, are care sector is still missing one in nine jobs lost areas in which, if there is not a solid foundation, can lead to business failure even in the best endeavors. 17

THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2022 INTERVIEW WITH: Why do you think it is important to Deepa Patel celebrate International Women’s Day? Salesforce MVP and Accenture Business If we look at human history prior to 3000 BCE, women were Indira Gandhi, former prime minister of India; Mother Teresa, and Integration Architect not treated as second-class citizens. They functioned as Catholic saint; Michelle Obama, former first lady; Jill Biden, respected members of their communities, holding leadership current first lady; Kamala Harris, first vice president to be female roles that guaranteed peace and prosperity for all. and a woman of color; Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house; Now, even in developed countries, women have to fight hard Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state; Indra Nooyi, former How has AppExchange influenced/ to shatter glass ceilings, advance into leadership positions, and CEO of Pepsi; and the list goes on. receive recognition for their intelligence, strength, courage, and It is so important to celebrate the accomplishments of all empowered you in your career? hard work. the women who have worked globally to overcome barriers, Despite these challenges, many accomplished women achieve success, and create a better world. So, let’s celebrate I began my personal Salesforce journey through an ISV partner across the world have had a positive impact on humanity. International Women’s Day together and encourage the next called Advologix Legal Suite, and both the co-founders, Paul The following have inspired me personally through the years: generation of young women to dream big. Deschenes and Jonathan Reed, were gracious and welcoming. Paul spent a full day in my office training me on Advologix. From that initial step, I advanced to receiving my certification as an administrator in 2010 and was awarded the status of an MVP in 2012. After that, I advanced to the executive committee of a nonprofit in the Bay Area, where I sold “It is so important software. I have since given presentations at Dreamforce and Why do you think diversity in the community conferences for multiple years. to celebrate the Over time, I recognized a need for support among people who workplace is so important? were struggling to gain certification, so I launched a pro bono accomplishments Salesforce Certification Study Group with nine instructors in Diversity is crucial to all individuals, both in the workplace and I am Indian and have lived in many different parts of the 2013. Our pioneering study group concept empowered over in the world at large. It brings: world. Even though Africa is the land of my birth, I also draw of all the women 450+ members to receive their certifications. This format Respect on a rich Indian cultural history. In fact, I have written an inspired other community groups to offer similar programs, New perspectives article about my Indian traditions going back 700 years. Over and these are currently thriving with their own mentors and the course of my life, I have made my home on multiple who have leaders. Innovation continents, which allows me to bring a unique perspective to More recently in my career, I have come to rely on Increased creativity my interactions, both in the workplace and in my personal life. worked globally AppExchange for the expertise its vendors can provide. Faster problem-solving Discrimination challenges have been a part of my journey, Because they work with multiple clients and understand Better decision-making and I know I am not alone in this. We need to have honest to overcome their diverse needs for automating various complex business conversations about our own biases, and how these impact processes, AppExchange vendors provide the technology A wider talent pool everyone around us, and we need to understand what we can and support to build robust solutions for customers. In Improved employee performance do to mitigate this situation. barriers, achieve my current role, I recommend AppExchange partners for We need to share more success stories from companies that different business processes, including marketing automation, Increased revenue and profits quoting, payments, financial services, document generation, Cultural education that leverages rich histories have addressed these problems, succeeded in overcoming success, and create deployment platforms, donation management for nonprofits, them, and we need to find the unity beneath our diversity and and many more. I have always believed in “buy versus build: Diverse cultural experiences join together to make this world a better place. a better world.” why reinvent the wheel?” This is the primary concept of Better community engagement AppExchange. In short, my connection to AppExchange has - DEEPA PATEL allowed me to develop into a trusted client advisor and grow my career as a leader and a business process transformation consultant. 19

THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2022 INTERVIEW WITH: Stephanie Herrera CEO & Founder, Herrera Advisors, Salesforce Saturday Founder, PepUp Tech Co-Founder, Merivis Board of Directors, 7x Salesforce MVP, 6x Keynote Speaker How has AppExchange influenced/ What is the most important piece of Is there anyone who inspires you empowered you in your career? advice you have been given? in your career? As a tech nerd and someone who owned four different Be open to any opportunity that comes your way, even if you Yes, Salesforce instances, AppExchange was a market I actually Cristina (Mancini) Jones. She worked her way up in don’t “think” you can do it, because no one starts off as an the film industry to the EVP level and then transitioned to enjoyed “shopping” in! Anytime my stakeholders wanted to expert. Salesforce and is now the CMO for, and she purchase an integration that was going to connect with my did this as a woman of color. I’m sure she had many a battle Saleforce org, the first place I go to is AppExchange. I could along the way, yet she persevered. She is someone who has find all the information I needed along with reviews, often How can we encourage more women created space for me, championed me to her networks, and from people I actually knew, which made me feel more has given me tools to help me be more successful and happier confident about moving forward with the integration. to pursue entrepreneurship or senior in my career. She didn’t have to do this, and she is so gracious leadership roles in their career? with her time and knowledge. I feel so very fortunate to have her in my life on a professional and personal level. She is the Why do you think it is important to We have to create space for them first of all, and then give real deal when it comes to creating and championing a more celebrate International Women’s Day? them the tools to succeed, show them the doors that they diverse and inclusive world for all! need to be walking through, and then champion them to our Until we as women get better at celebrating ourselves, we networks to help them rise much faster and more seamlessly need to make time to do so for each other. I love that it’s “You aren’t alone than we did. also “International” as it reminds us, that at our core, we as If you could have dinner with an women throughout the world face a lot of the same struggles. in your journey Just knowing this helps make it a little easier to face them, inspirational woman, dead or alive, who especially when we come together to help each other What is the most important message overcome those battles. — even though it would she be and why? might often feel you want to send out to young women Oprah. I’ve always been a fan of her journey from poverty to thinking about their careers? that of not being “deemed” worthy of television, and how she Have you faced any barriers in your connects with humans. She genuinely seems to care about that way, you First and foremost, you aren’t alone in your journey — even everyone who crosses her path. She was the first person to use career due to being a woman? If so, how though it might often feel that way, you aren’t. Lean on your her platform for good, in my opinion. did you overcome them? aren’t. Lean on peers, your community, and your tribe. Share your struggles and your ambitions, and you will be very surprised to find that I’ve been in tech for 23 years now as a Hispanic woman, so many have gone through what you’re going through and can Yes, I absolutely did and I still do! I surround myself with a your peers, your help you overcome the problems you encounter, while also tribe of women and men who have my best interest at heart helping you achieve your goals a lot faster than you can do it and who give me the guidance and strength to continue to community, and on your own. push forward, even at times when I don’t feel I have any fight left in me. They remind me that I’m worth fighting for and your tribe.” are right there with me, helping me overcome biases and obstacles that come my way. -STEPHANIE HERRERA 21

THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2022 INTERVIEW WITH: INTERVIEW WITH: Shonnah Hughes Susan Thayer Salesforce MVP, Certified Salesforce Solution Global Product Evangelist, Salesforce MVP, Architect, Director at Sogeti/Capgemini and Founder of Teen Tech Titans Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day? How has AppExchange influenced/ We need to break the unconscious bias against women, and empowered you in your career? International Women’s Day is the perfect reminder to start the conversation. I also love that International Women’s Day showcases some of the amazing contributions made by How has AppExchange influenced/ What is the most important piece of Whenever I have a business need I am trying to solve and I women. You can’t be what you don’t see. think, “We can’t be the only one with this problem,” I go to empowered you in your career? advice you have been given? AppExchange. There I can find Lightning components, flows, and apps that I can install to quickly resolve my issue or to use The AppExchange marketplace is my all-purpose utility knife Not everyone is going to like you, and that’s perfectly okay, as a springboard if I need to build a custom solution. Have you faced any barriers in your and has helped me streamline solutions for organizations because your worth is not based on their opinion. Not with ease. Empowering me to build efficiently and with less everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not career due to being a woman? If so, how technical debt by extending the Salesforce Platform with their journey to make sense of. It’s yours. You can’t pour from “Ask for what you did you overcome them? AppExchange, I am more agile, allowing me to advance and an empty cup. In order for you to help others, you need to excel my career with partners and their solutions that have first help yourself, but always remember giving does not only been verified by Salesforce. precede receiving; it is the reason for it. It is in giving that we want. As a female, I have had several job interviews where they outright asked if I receive. could do the job since I was a mom. I didn’t accept those jobs we often are afraid as I don’t want to work for a company or manager that has Have you faced any barriers in your those thoughts. Their loss. Life is too short to work for people to speak up, afraid who don’t respect you. “Not everyone is career due to being a woman? If so, how to stand out. But if going to like you, did you overcome them? What is the most important piece of I have faced and continue to face many barriers as a woman, you want something advice you have been given? and that’s perfectly and when you layer on all of my intersecting identities, the barriers at times seem insurmountable. However, I learned — whether a raise, Ask for what you want. As a female, we often are afraid to okay, because your some very important lessons early on: speak up, afraid to stand out. But if you want something — 1) Always be true to yourself. a mentor, more time whether a raise, a mentor, more time to do a task, or help with 2) Never dim your light. your kids, just ask for it. The worst that can happen is they say worth is not based 3) Be the person you need/needed while on this journey. to do a task, or help no. But if you don’t ask — you’ll never get it. on their opinion.” 4) Impact over intent. with your kids, just 5) Things don’t matter, people do. - SHONNAH HUGHES ask for it.” - SUSAN THAYER 23

THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2022 How has AppExchange influenced/empowered you in your career? Participating in AppExchange-related events has strongly was acquired by Salesforce (now Salesforce CPQ) and with influenced and crafted my Salesforce journey. From the DocuSign when they were a few hundred customers strong first-ever AppExchange All-Stars lunch at DF10, to presenting (now 1,000,000+ strong) and several internet “unicorns” while dozens of Dreamforce sessions, to recording our first, slightly they were still in Series A. All of these encounters helped to INTERVIEW WITH: whacky, AppExchange Mavericks videos in 2014, to the create a tremendous network that allowed my career to grow Geraldine Gray AppExchange Street Team at DF17, to publishing articles on to heights I could never have achieved on my own. And it Medium and years of monthly Tweetchats on Twitter, and back keeps going — in 2021, I participated in 30+ Salesforce-related CEO, Endiem, and Salesforce MVP to AppExchange Mavericks this year — it’s been a wild ride. activities outside my regular work as the CEO of Endiem. since 2010 Each time I’ve engaged with the AppExchange team I’ve also engaged with Salesforce partners. This has opened so many doors for me. I worked with Steelbrick before it What is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about their careers? Get help and be helpful. the wrong job by keeping a scorecard that ranks what is most Don’t worry about being perfect, but be sure to ask for help important to you in any work situation, but be realistic — there when you need it and be willing to extend a helping hand to are 7 billion humans on the planet, and a business can only others. You can’t expect people to do you a favor if you’re not support so many unique situations or requests. For example, supporting them as well, and it’s wise to be careful whom you at Endiem we have lots of people who work a fractional job, ask, to be sure they also have your best interests in mind. And, but everyone works the same core hours regardless. We as a woman, it’s okay to have male mentors. I’m not quite sure deliver Salesforce projects and support, and our customers why so many women believe that only women can mentor need us to be available for — them — and we need time when them — it’s just not true, and you miss out on a ton of potential we can collaborate on work together. As you can see from these six learning if you ignore the guys who can help raise you up. (Go Some of the best advice I ever received from a female boss Adam Seligman and Matt Lamb!) was, “Always leave the door open.” When the time comes to phenomenal women, It’s okay to walk away. move on from a project or role, don’t burn your bridges. Leave There may be a time when you end up in a job that is not a with grace and decency so you can always go back, and be there are many different ways to work toward overcoming good fit in the end. Ask yourself, “Can I change my situation to grateful to the person who gave you the opportunity, even if it gender inequality. Some threads we see through all of their make it better, or is it something company-deep that won’t be didn’t work out. Those people will remember you, and they’ll stories is the value of sharing both struggles and successes, solved by my staying?” You can decrease the odds of landing in want to work with you again if you do good work and make them successful. not being afraid to ask for help when it’s needed, and the importance of lifting up other women. We hope their words If you could have dinner with an inspirational woman, dead or alive, leave you feeling inspired like they did us. who would she be and why? Read more I’d opt to swap dinner to play The Hay (the super-fun activities and what brings her joy. And I’d ask her if she beginners’ nine-hole, par-3 short course at Pebble Beach) mapped out her life early on or if she let opportunities come About these and other Salesforce MVPs. followed by drinks and cheese with Condolezza Rice, 66th to her, and which parts of life she has struggled with but Secretary of State. She is a politician, diplomat, business embraced anyway. She’s certainly taken the road less traveled person, professor, and social scientist who is the epitome of and is incredibly accomplished. And I’d invite Alex Danvers, calm in the face of a storm. I’d ask Ms. Rice how she manages Endiem’s CMO, and Dulce Bojas, CIO of Linde, because I’d like to participate in so many engagements at once with flair and to share that experience, and we’d be guaranteed to all have a spirit and what does she do to quiet her brain (maybe she great time with tons of laughter. doesn’t!). I’d love to hear about her personal philanthropic 25

NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE PRODLY SPRING 2022 Salesforce recently released its new DevOps Center. effective, but there is more for you to consider. According to Mike Gerholdt, the Senior Director of Before your admin starts using the DevOps Center, Salesforce Admin Evangelism at Salesforce, the they need an effective environment management DevOps Center “will not only deliver a modern and strategy to go along with your sandbox seeding robust experience for declarative developers and strategy. Without an effective sandbox seeding admins but also allow for collaboration between strategy, it can be difficult to get value out of the declarative and programmatic developers DevOps Center. throughout the DevOps process.” Here are some tips from AppExchange partner This is great news for your Salesforce admin as the Prodly about what’s needed in an effective sandbox DevOps Center will make release testing more seeding strategy. Considerations for Your Sandbox Seeding Strategy: Identify a standard set of records that will serve as your Ensure that all your development orgs are in sync as your uniform data. At a minimum, you should have at least 20 testing progresses to avoid duplicated efforts. While the accounts, contacts, opportunities, and so on for testing. It DevOps Center allows for a more collaborative effort in is important to have different record types in the mix for your DevOps process, there may be limitations on how a your development and testing. work item can move from the ending production cycle back into earlier stages of testing. It’s important to make Determine how your test data will be populated into sure that any changes or updates that are —made — each development org at the start of each project. Some regardless of where you are in your testing — processes — questions to consider in this process include: won’t cause any issues as they move through the various testing stages. • Will Data Loader be sufficient or do you need to look at other tools? • Is it okay to export data from Salesforce to Need more support on how to prepare for CSVs to seed the data? using the DevOps Center? Prodly AppOp’s • Is there someone skilled in VLOOKUPs to Environment Management solution helps maintain the relationships between records? customers adopt DevOps Center faster by • Do you want to automate the data seeding automating seeding and syncing as part of process? an overall environment management • Should seeding be a closely controlled strategy. process, or should it be available to everyone on the team? • How will you accommodate a project that requires new or additional records that don’t exist in the uniform test data? Learn more about Prodly on AppExchange. 27

CELEBRATING A MILESTONE THE EXCHANGE Telsi SPRING 2022 Tell us a little bit more about the history of TELSI and extend our Sales Cloud or Service Cloud, we look to how it has evolved to the company that it is today. AppExchange to ensure the solutions are connected Jean-Thomas Lacour: and benefit one another. We founded TELSI in 2009, and you could call me a true Trailblazer, because Stéphane Berthoz: As the in-house admin, part of we started using Salesforce right from the very the value of AppExchange for us is also the start. Since that time, we have grown up with Trailblazer Community. It is wonderful to have Salesforce. The intelligent processes, systems, and learning resources online, and the community itself structures unique to our business are all powered by is very welcoming. Being connected to a community Salesforce. Additionally, we leverage AppExchange of admins has helped me find the right solutions to extend the power of our Salesforce with apps. We that work for us. really value that extensibility and being able to add What other AppExchange apps are you using and why? new functionalities and capabilities to our platform. Jean-Thomas Lacour: A huge congrats for being our 10 millionth intaller! What We use several different apps challenge were you trying to solve with Rollup Helper? here at TELSI to drive success. Conga Composer helps us generate our quotes. The automation Stéphane Berthoz: Rollup Helper rolls up information of formerly tedious processes allows us to focus in Salesforce with clicks and not code. TELSI, of on driving revenue. We also use LinkedIn Sales course, has many accounts with disparate data. Navigator to improve the CRM experience, and On these accounts, we use active and passive to import, export, and update data statuses from a business perspective, and we rely on as needed. these statuses for our contracts and opportunities as As you look to the future, how do you hope to continue well. In order to have a holistic view of our business, solving business challenges with AppExchange? we needed a solution to roll up the data using different data fields and filters, thus the installation Jean-Thomas Lacour: We have grown beyond of Rollup Helper as a solution. 30% in 5 years, which we are really proud of. Because we’ve used AppExchange in the past we We want to keep that momentum into the future. found the app by searching for something that Our information system must continue to adapt Meet TELSI revolved around roll ups specifically. And, voila! with more automation and more scalable processes We came across this application, which not only in order to make life easier for our teams, and to AppExchange’s 1O Millionth Installer is very well rated, but also recommended by the ensure that we are providing excellent service to Trailblazer Community. Seeing the number of times our customers on a daily basis. To do that, we have Rollup Helper has been installed also reassured us to stay up to date on new product developments, Based in Bretagne, northwest France, TELSI helps companies that want to keep features, and functionalities within Salesforce and their customer service in house for a connected, excellent customer experience. enough to install the solution — the 10 millionth on AppExchange. for AppExchange. That’s awesome. So, how does it feel to be the 10 Stéphane Berthoz: Salesforce and AppExchange On January 14, 2022, TELSI installed Rollup Helper by Passage Technology, and apps are daily tools for our sales and marketing as it turned out, that was the millionth installer? departments, and they will soon be deployed in our 10 millionth install on AppExchange. But that’s just part of TELSI’s inspiring, trailblazing Salesforce story. Aurore Payoux: I didn’t believe it at first when support service department Jean-Thomas told me. But we are very happy as well. At TELSI, Salesforce We virtually sat down with Jean-Thomas Lacour, Co-Founder of TELSI, and the because Salesforce is great and inspiring. It is is a core part of everything TELSI team to learn about their journey, transformation to success, and how it a wonderful surprise for us. we do, and as the With all that’s available, what is the value of Americans say, it just feels to be the 10 millionth installer. (We’ve translated this conversation from the AppExchange for you? makes sense. original French to English for this article.) Jean-Thomas Lacour: The value for me is how seamlessly it integrates with Salesforce. Our key data and strategies are in Salesforce, so when we want to 29

GIVING BACK VTO AppExchange Gives Back At Salesforce, we believe that business should be a platform for positive change. We use the 1-1-1 model to make that belief a reality by dedicating 1% of the company’s equity, 1% of its product, and 1% of employees’ time back to the community. Here are just a few of the fun and inspiring ways members of the AppExchange team give back to our communities during their volunteer time off (VTO). 31

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MAKING A DIFFERENCE THE EXCHANGE We All Rise SPRING 2022 It’s Appy’s 5th birthday, and she wants you to help her find this month’s hidden words. The words are hidden When we lift each other up, Word Searchhorizontally, vertically, and diagonally in all directions. ADA ADVISORS we all rise. APPS APPY ASTRO BIRTHDAY CODEY CONSULTANTS COVEO EARTHFORCE EXCHANGE EXPERT FORMASSEMBLY INSTALLS PRODLY SALESFORCE SOLUTIONS SUSTAINABILITY TEAMEARTH TRAILBLAZERS Capital One, a Fortune 100 company, externally,” says Capital One Senior Vice Appy birthday specializes in credit cards, auto loans, banking, President Rossana Bouchaya. Everyone’s favorite bobcat business lending, payments, and savings With these two diverse-owned partners, turned FIVE on Wednesday, March products for retail and corporate customers. In Capital One has not only streamlined it’s 30 — and we’re keeping the cele- addition to providing top-notch customer processes, but has also improved customer bration going. Put on your dancing service, Capital One deeply values diversity, and associate experiences. Watch the video shoes and join the #AppyDance inclusion, and belonging, both in the below to learn more about how Capital One is challenge on Twitter by tagging workplace and the world. So, in an effort to changing banking for good with AppExchange @appexchange. streamline operations and eliminate manual and why supporting diverse-owned businesses processes, Capital One engaged two diverse is so important. suppliers to partner on two priority projects — woman-owned AppExchange partner West Coast Consulting, and AAPI-owned AppExchange app Groove. “At Capital One, it’s important for us to support diversity in our internal hiring, but it’s also incredibly important to support diversity when it comes to the partners we work with

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