[Vidyard] Industry Ebook for Demand Gen - Financial Services

Learn how our partner Vidyard helps customers in the Financial Service industry.

Here’s how Vidyard helps financial services FINANCIAL SERVICES organizations like yours. Industry Insider Stand out and build trust. With Vidyard, you can create and send personalized videos to build the authentic human connections that clients crave. Modernize the way clients experience your brand. Vidyard helps you leverage your branded video content to expand your message’s reach, and use in-video calls to action to push viewers down your funnel right away. Satisfy privacy guidelines. See how our partner Vidyard tackles challenges in Vidyard allows you to share sensitive video content with the financial services industry. From big-picture the confidence that it’s protected by the right security, problems to the specific needs of a VP of sales, user permissions, and compliance measures. Vidyard has it covered. Vidyard’s video messaging and hosting solutions help financial services firms modernize the way they create and nurture relationships with their clients. Keep reading to learn how Vidyard could help a VP of sales use video to add that crucial personal touch to their company’s virtual communications.

The Solution Vidyard enables teams to manage and share videos, making it easier to communicate effectively and convert prospects into clients. Provide valuable insights. Build personal connections. The Challenge: With clients handling The Challenge: Open rates for financial services so much of their own research and emails are at an all-time low. In a market decision-making online, advisors need new traditionally reliant on in-person interactions to ways to provide proactive and ongoing insight, drive new business, making connections with value, and customer service. clients is harder in this virtual-focused world. The Solution: Vidyard lets advisors create and The Solution: Vidyard’s video creation tools help send high-impact personalized videos to advisors build those crucial relationships with explain complex financial topics in a digestible, their clients. They can record and send engaging way. Videos are ideal for educating personalized videos that stand out in bland clients, providing advice, capturing upsell inboxes, help them secure meetings, and foster opportunities, winning referrals, and a sense of connection. demonstrating the value of the advisor's services. Focus on the right leads. The Challenge: Advisors only have a limited amount of time to spend on acquiring new clients, meaning they need to be selective about who they pursue. The Solution: Vidyard helps advisors focus their efforts on the most engaged prospects by sending a notification when someone watches a video.

The Scenario Vidyard solves Peter’s In this example, let’s imagine how a VP challenges by helping him to: of sales could use Vidyard to help teams Build quality relationships with clients. achieve their sales goals. Peter’s team uses Vidyard to create personalized one-to-one video messages, generating trust and rapport with their clients without the need to meet face to face. This helps deals move more smoothly and reliably, leading to a more efficient pipeline. Peter and other leaders can use analytics dashboards to track the quality of advisor-client interactions and the impact they’re having on the business. Unify the brand experience. Peter Pipeline Vidyard helps Peter’s sales and marketing teams work together to expand the reach of their message. Advisors can VP of Sales create or leverage videos for every client communication. These videos play on branded video landing pages to ensure that corporate branding carries through to every interaction. Peter needs to find new, Meanwhile, in-video calls to action work to drive next steps long-term, and strategically right from inside the content. viable ways to grow revenue Maximize ROI. for his firm. Goals: Challenges: Vidyard enables Peter’s team to achieve or even exceed their • Bridge the gap between the • Intensely competitive industry sales goals. The video messages that his advisors send can marketing and sales • Disconnected departments increase response rates by up to 5x, shorten the sales departments within the business that cycle by as much as 50%, and boost close rates by up to • Build a more efficient pipeline should be complementary 25%. And with a full suite of video analytics and CRM • Exceed sales goals • Difficulty building rapport integrations, Peter can review, measure, and prove the • Connect and engage with with clients virtually impact that video is having on his team’s sales performance prospects and revenue. Learn more about Vidyard