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EXPERT ADVICE WHAT ARE SOME TRENDS YOU SEE WITH SALESFORCE AND/ One of the most exciting app categories over the past couple of OR APPEXCHANGE years has been the Salesforce DevOps movement. This is a relatively MOVING FORWARD? new category, with most apps being founded around 2014/2015. With the ecosystem growing at such a rate, and Salesforce customers implementing more products, features, and custom development than ever before, it was only natural that DevOps practices from the wider IT industry would come in to assist teams deploying changes on Salesforce. Salesforce DevOps doesn’t just encompass tools; it’s also a change in mindset. The tools that are on AppExchange are fantastically powerful, allowing you to deploy changes faster than ever before, while ensuring everything works as it should. WHAT ARE SOME TIPS THAT YOU HAVE FOR HOW CUSTOMERS As the Salesforce ecosystem grows, there are even more ways to drive CAN BEST NAVIGATE value for your business, by implementing new products or by building THEIR SALESFORCE custom solutions using the Salesforce Platform. But with three JOURNEY? Salesforce releases a year and constant innovation with AppExchange, it can be hard to keep up with everything. My recommendation would be to try and stay as plugged in and up to date on the current trends and new innovations as possible. We try to do this with, providing our users with a no- nonsense overview of the current releases, product announcements, and the business value these products and features provide. It’s easy to get swept up in exciting innovations such as AI and DevOps. But first, make sure your Salesforce Platform has a solid foundation. Factors such as solid business process mapping, user adoption, and executive sponsors are key to any Salesforce implementation. WHAT IS SALESFORCEBEN.COM? is the world’s largest Salesforce news site. Our mission is to help advance the careers of Salesforce professionals, no matter their background. Our internal team of 10 employees and our network of over 400 guest authors are constantly looking for ways to provide value to the Salesforce ecosystem through relevant and thought-provoking content via our website, LinkedIn page, and YouTube channel. A huge part of what we do is highlighting AppExchange apps and how Salesforce professionals can use them to further enable various business processes. One way we do this is through our AppAssessor program, which provides a deep dive into various apps on the AppExchange. There are all written by certified consultants, and their experience in installing, configuring, and using the app. Check it out. 29

The Exchange Fall 2022 - Page 15 The Exchange Fall 2022 Page 14 Page 16

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