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CHAPTER EIGHT A situation like COVID requires us to have all of the details we can gather in order to respond, react, and adapt. When our finance, sales, and marketing teams got together and really decided how to tackle UiPath Connector the challenges presented by COVID, they had all of the data in one Finding single place — and it was reliable data that was completely up to date. Leopoldo Toro VP OF I.T., TAVISTOCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Your Jam Not having to hunt around all the different locations where we used to keep important documents ... saves KTSL huge amounts of time and encourages employees to always follow the most up-to-date best practices, just by using Salesforce. Improved Apps Dave Round OPERATIONS DIRECTOR, KTSL Without Salesforce I don’t know how we would be tracking our sales, or making informed decisions that empower our entrepreneurs. … Salesforce really helps us have one source of truth for all of hether we faced a process. And in the end, our pantry TaroWorks our business, customer, and donor data. bumper crop of toma- shelves were neatly stacked with a Alicia Oberholzer Wtoes or an over-pro- delightful array of yummy treats to IMPACT ASSOCIATE, SOLAR SISTER ductive plum tree, this was the year keep or share. We realized we could many of us decided to better man- do the same with data management. age our harvests. We turned to See how some of our customers used canning and pickling. It had seemed AppExchange to develop a better complicated before but now we process, leading to easily accessible found comfort in the multipart data at their fingertips. Appy Tip For the perfect gel to your jam, use three parts fully ripe fruit to one part slightly under ripe fruit. 10

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