Back Office Apps

App Guide | eBook | 24 pages | Find app recommendations that solve two common pain points for each department


THE INTRO Welcome to What is the back office? Simply put, it’s the backbone of a company, the departments — finance and accounting, ERP, HR, and IT — that, despite being behind the scenes, keep our guide to things running so the customer-facing departments can be successful. This guide incorporates app recommendations that back office apps. solve two common pain points for each department. Here’s how to use the guide: First, check out best practices on how to find an app that fits your business challenge. Next, explore the pain points for each department. Then read customer recommendations of back office apps that worked the best for them. Along the way, check out Appy’s back office tips. With over 3,000 apps in inventory, we hope this guide helps you zero in on the back office apps that are right for your business. Happy exploring. Appy is your guide to all things AppExchange. “ Want all the details about an app? Just click Find out more.”

THE STEPS GUIDE YOUR SEARCH 1• What business challenge do you want to solve? • What’s your budget? How to find • What’s your time frame? • What business processes will be impacted? the back office DISCOVER AND EVALUATE 2• B rowse the back office categories on apps that are • A sk your peers via user groups, Success Community. • C heck out Demo Jams to learn about apps. right for you. in 3-minute pitches • V iew the latest app trends on AppExchange Content Collection. MAKE YOUR DECISION 3• Involve your stakeholders in the process. • Check price, security requirements, and compatibility with your Salesforce edition and other apps. • Read customer reviews. • Test drive the app or install in your sandbox.

THE APPS FINANCE FINANCE noun • fi·nance The people in finance manage all money-related matters, including accounting, strategic planning, auditing, and budgeting.

FINANCE CUSTOMER PAIN POINT #1 How do I remove repetitive tasks from my to-do list?

CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATIONS Automation is the key. Accounting Seed Finance apps automate those repetitive 4.9 and manual tasks — so you can focus on customer needs. “ With Accounting Seed we are now able to automate tasks and billing — this makes our jobs easier and our customers happier.” TAMMY GREGERSEN Find out more > Sage Live FinancialForce Accounting 3.9 4.7 “ I just press a button and all banking activity “ FinancialForce Accounting gave us back office is imported into Sage and processed through automation. So now we can focus on our posting rules that I have total control over.” customers and their business needs.” JOHN MONAHAN JOCELYN FENNEWALD Find out more > Find out more > “ Use data loaders to upload complex transactions in seconds.” APPY Editor’s note: Reviews were edited for clarity and length. TIP

FINANCE CUSTOMER PAIN POINT #2 Can I reduce the steps from creating an invoice to getting final payment?

CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATIONS Here’s one way. invoices Invoices for Salesforce Automate the invoicing and billing 5.0 process with finance apps. You’ll turn “ With the click of a button, Invoices for Salesforce multiple payment steps into one. enables us to invoice complex billing scenarios quickly and accurately.” STEF SAMPSON Find out more > JustOn Steelbrick Billing (Formerly InvoiceIT) 4.9 4.7 “JustOn gave us an invoicing solution that “ I can’t believe we didn’t have this years ago! To be able to have adapted to our multi-language, multi-currency, all of our client attached to each account so that we don’t have and installment logic for payment deadlines.” to go elsewhere is an absolutely amazing thing. We could not DANNY MÜLLER be happier and realize how vital this app is to our success!” Find out more > DREW SHEAHAN Find out more > “ Stay in the know. Create smart invoices that tell you when clients open invoices.”

THE APPS ERP ERP noun • en·ter·prise re·source plan·ning ERP integrates processes, systems, and data into one source of truth.

ERP CUSTOMER PAIN POINT #1 How do I connect applications and systems so I can ship product faster?

CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATIONS Make them one. Kenandy ERP apps integrate data, processes, 4.9 and systems so you get any information anytime, anywhere. “ Kenandy provided measurable efficiencies, organizational transparency, and focused us on revenue generation — not data collection.” CHARLIE MERROW Find out more > AscentERP Rootstock 4.9 5.0 “ We used Ascent to migrate all our processes “ Inventory, purchasing, MRP, and WCP were key from being managed within spreadsheets to in making our back office a success. Rootstock fully managed within Salesforce.” did it all in a well-integrated fashion.” SCOTT GARDINER STEPHEN SIMONS Find out more > Find out more > “Mak e sure your ERP solution can grow as fast as your production scales.”

ERP CUSTOMER PAIN POINT #2 Can I gain visibility into all processes involved in order processing and product development?

CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATIONS Yes. Get on the cloud. Glovia OM ERP apps give you a better handle into 5.0 order fulfillment and greater visibility “ Glovia OM turns opportunities into quotes, into product lifecycle. quotes into sales orders, and sales orders into shipping orders and documentation.” TENO CIPRI Find out more > Matrix Velocity Propel PLM 4.9 4.8 “ Matrix Velocity gave us a nice way to go “ As Propel is built on Salesforce, we can be more from quote to order to fulfillment to invoice customer- and partner-centric by connecting our (and to inventory) all within Salesforce.” product, customer, and partner data.” JONATHAN ROWE RICK AUSTINSON Find out more > Find out more > “ Don’t forget to lean on support teams for additional help with setup.”

THE APPS HR HR noun • hu·man re·sources HR activities include recruiting and hiring of employees, orientation and training of current employees, employee benefits, and retention.

HR CUSTOMER PAIN POINT #1 Can the systems that manage benefits, compensation, and compliance be connected?

CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATIONS Totally. With an HR app. Skilo Connected functions mean one sign-on, 4.8 one data entry, and fast, complete reports. “ Skilo’s user-friendly interface is easy for employees and managers to use, and the highly configurable reporting module is essential for HR.” KASANDRA RADZINSKA Find out more > Sage People XCD 4.7 4.5 “ The automated processes of Sage People not “ XCD is a cost-effective HR solution that enables only enabled HR to be more efficient, but the us to manage our HR data, files, and policies quality of our data increased dramatically.” from one location.” JESS DAVIES INSPIRE SPORT Find out more > Find out more > “Y ou can even track employee vacancies, overtime, lots more.”

HR CUSTOMER PAIN POINT #2 How can we offer training and development that’s engaging yet flexible?

CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATIONS Try HR apps. Improved Help Empower your employees with HR 4.8 apps that automate and simplify the training process. “ Improved Help really is a fantastic help resource for users, providing the right help and process guidance when it is need.” WAYNE AUSTIN Find out more > Cornerstone for Salesforce Litmos 4.8 4.0 “ Cornerstone is a must-have training. It’s “ Litmos helped us to train hundreds incredibly powerful with a simple setup. of people each month simply by the I’m really impressed with its ease of use.” click of a button.” MELODIE SCHWARTZ CHARLES BROWN Find out more > Find out more > “Y ou can even use these apps to enable customers as well as partners.”

THE APPS IT IT noun • in·for·ma·tion tech·nol·o·gy IT handles everything from a company’s physical hardware to its operating systems, applications, databases, storage, and servers.

IT CUSTOMER PAIN POINT #1 Is it possible to reduce time backing up and restoring data?

CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATIONS An IT app can help. Spanning Save time when your company’s 4.8 platforms, applications, and business groups are all connected. “ I can’t stress how easy Spanning is to use. Backups run daily, you see what data was changed, and you can restore data anytime.” DEB WELLER Find out more > OwnBackup CloudAlly 4.9 5.0 “ OwnBackup saves my team hours of “ CloudAlly removed the worry around site data backup work that we can now use to focus backup. Once the painless setup was done, on revenue-driving initiatives.” the app just runs and we forget about it.” BRIE MORGAN ROBERT MIDDLETON Find out more > Find out more > “ Look across your entire enterprise — including remote sites.”

IT CUSTOMER PAIN POINT #2 How do I service staff and track IT assets that are all over the world?

CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATIONS IT apps make it easy. ELTON 5.0 IT apps consolidate data about every employee or asset so you “ We had inventory across the country that we operate with one system of record. couldn’t track. ELTON tracked every piece of equipment in a very quick and smooth way.” JOHN PRILLIMAN Find out more > RemedyForce INSITE 4.3 4.3 “ RemedyForce is web accessible, has no servers “ We used INSITE to change databases and simplify or upgrades to manage, and lets our field staff incident reporting, problem management, and easily submit requests and tickets.” catalog and fulfillment requests.” JOHN RILEY RANDY ENGH Find out more > Find out more > “ You’ll get real-time info into who needs what.”

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