INTRODUCTION Is the rate of tech innovation making you dizzy? Artificial spreading yourself too thin or missing the mark on what’s intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things – important to your customers. like it or not, they’re here. That means the pressure is on How do AppExchange partners continue to innovate, to innovate and keep your standing with your customers. and what technology trends are both exciting and top Look at it another way: No matter your industry, you’ve got of mind? We enlisted Salesforce MVPs – customers a golden opportunity to create new services. Your goal? recognized for their contributions to the Salesforce To engage, win, and keep customers. Ohana – to interview executives from eight AppExchange But innovating can be challenging. Whether your partners. Read on to learn how these executives and their company is large or small, staying innovative while still companies stay innovative. meeting the demands of current customers is a balancing Meet Appy, your guide to the partner ecosystem. act. Innovation requires research, resources, planning, She’s in the know about AppExchange solutions and focus. Without these important pieces, you might risk and really wants to share her knowledge with you. 3
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