WHAT ARE THE TECHNOLOGY JAKE FABBRI HENRY EVANS TRENDS TO VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETING, FONTEVA VP OF CHANNEL SALES, PHONEBURNER It all comes back to the ability to drive a better I think that the AI conversation is only going to get COME? experience for customers. AI and predictive bigger. AI is this catch-all phrase for technology analytics tools are going to be important in the next getting better at predicting human behavior. When year. Analytics are going to not only look at what’s I use Salesforce, I now see Einstein predicting Technologists and C-suite executives alike must happened in the past and the current trends, but things. It’s really incredible how software is finally always keep one eye fixed on the future. While there based on that, what’s most likely to happen to getting connected enough and smart enough. are hot trends in technology today, we also wanted optimize revenue or customer experience beyond to know what our experts thought was in store in where it is today. the next year or two in technology, and how that might play out for companies and customers. CEDRIC SAVARESE CEO, FORMASSEMBLY I think we’ll talk about AI, and we’ll talk about machine learning. They’re becoming more available, and they’re definitely in the mainstream now. So we’ll see more and more applications that benefit consumer and businesses. 18

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